Ashtanga yoga

The Sanskrit term “ashtanga” means “eight limbs”. This is in direct reference to the eight parts of yoga, explained in the philosophy of Patanjali:

  • Yama: self-restraints
  • Niyama: observances
  • Asana: physical practice of yoga postures
  • Pranayama: breath control exercises
  • Pratyahara: control of the senses
  • Dharana: concentration
  • Dhyana: meditation
  • Samadhi: self realization or absorption.

Ashtanga yoga
Ashtanga Yoga course is based on a specific series of asanas (physical poses) and is combined with related and complimenting breathing patterns. The practice improves circulation as well as moulds a light and strong body, and a calm mind. The Ashtanga Yoga system places equal emphasis on strength, flexibility, and stamina. Through regular practice of the Ashtanga Yoga, personal insights begin to manifest.

Our task is to portray the Pranayama, as performed by one of tanya’s gurus – Dr. Rao the Nadakuduru Sai Ayurveda Hospital in Puttaparty, India (on the photo), as accurately as possible. We explain the philosophy and the meaning of each asana of Ashtanga yoga in the methodology and style of Mr. Sohan Veer Singh from Delhi – tanya’s second yoga teacher.

Tanya teaches group classes in the towns of St-Eustache and Boisbriand. Private, semi private and corporate classes are available.

Contact us for more details