Reiki is a Japanese healing technique, which promotes stress reduction, relaxation and the well being of the entire physical, emotional and psychic body. Therefore it is truly a system of attaining and promoting wholeness of the Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Reiki works on the basis that many physical and emotional problems are related, so these problems must be treated simultaneously. Its goal is to help the entire body heal itself.

Reiki – the energy healing system

Reiki – the energy healing system Montreal

  • Heals holistically,
  • Balances the energies in the body,
  • Relaxes and reduces stress,
  • Strengthens the immune system,
  • Relieves pain in the entire body,
  • Clears toxins,
  • Enhances personal awareness,
  • Promotes creativity,
  • Releases blocked and suppressed feelings,
  • Aids meditation and positive thinking.

During a Reiki session, you will relax on a massage table, fully clothed and supported by cushions and blankets. I will lightly rest my hands on your head, neck, back, chest, belly, arms, legs, and feet. Usually, I can intuitively sense which areas are out of balance, and I, therefore, direct “Universal Life Force Energy” towards these specific areas.

Often for best results, I can work with Tibetan healing tools or crystals. You may sense this energy flow in a variety of ways, including warmth, tingling, joy, deep relaxation, and a sense of overall peace. Since anxiety and long-held emotions might have been stored in your body for a long time, you may need more than one Reiki session. Usually, patients take 3-4 days in a row and then make appointments for once-a-week treatments. However, as in any healing, the first step towards a healthier life is a desire to be healed.

Reiki is not a faith-based treatment, so anyone can receive a Reiki treatment or a Reiki attunement. (If you are interested to become a Reiki healer and practitioner in order to help yourself and others, please go to the Training page). Please note that Reiki is one of the safest healing methods that exist for all beings, including children and animals.

60 min – $95

Tanya is a member of the professional associations of massage therapy, naturo-therapy, and naturopathy and provides professional receipts for reimbursement by insurance companies.

Distance healing is also available- please go to the Distance Healing page.