5 Animal Games of Qigong – Personal and professional training (in French for this date)
We’re delighted to announce that we’re hosting 5 Animal Qigong sessions in our energetic community!
Join us for a revitalizing experience that harmonizes body, mind and soul.
Our qualified instructors will guide you through the graceful movements of the Tiger, Deer, Bear, Monkey and Crane, helping you to strengthen your vitality, improve your balance and find deep inner peace.
Practising the 5 Animals Qigong involves a series of gentle, flowing movements coordinated with deep, rhythmic breathing and focused intention.
This level is suitable for beginners of all ages and health levels.
The “Five Movements” (五禽戲) are a set of Qigong exercises developed by Huatuo, one of world history’s most famous and respected Chinese physicians and surgeons.
According to the Five Elements theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), each animal has two exercises corresponding to its internal organs.
Regular practice of this Qi Gong is designed to improve the functioning of the liver/biliary bladder (wood element – tiger), kidneys/bladder (water element – deer), spleen/stomach (earth element – bear and dragon) and lung/gut (metal element – bird).
The teacher explains the practical application of the movements, their complete coordination with breathing, and the internal stretching of organs and systems.
With regular practice, practitioners can experience a wide range of physical, mental and spiritual benefits, including greater flexibility, strength, balance, stress reduction and vitality.
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, everyone is welcome!
Come and discover the benefits of 5 Animal Qigong and share this wonderful adventure with us.
The course runs for two months, one day a week in the evening. It’s Tuesdays, from 7:30 to 9:30 pm.
Join us every week for a session of relaxation, movement and deep connection with yourself and nature.
What’s more, we’re delighted to announce the possibility of receiving a 100-hour naturopathic training certificate with this course.
The training is at a professional level and enables you to practice as a master and later become a certified Qigong instructor.
This is a 100-hour certified apprenticeship module with weekly ZOOM practice.
The price is $490, taxes not included. *10% discount for Shanti Holistique Qigong students.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Your 5 Animals Qigong team
Tanya Dakhno-Lakeev and Gertrude Tahon, shanticlinic.college@gmail.com, 514-699-2378 for your registration.