Regression Meditation Training (online in French)
This holistic integrative healing training is based on the Vedic concept of the human spirit as an integral part of existence.
The subject of the training is the psycho-energetic approach and work on the mind, which helps to find the origin of diseases, as well as the negative thought patterns that block progress.
There is an exploration of the five brain rhythms in the Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta and Gamma frequencies.
As part of the deep holistic self-improvement of the self and the client, there are meditations and the study of psycho-corporal relaxation.
The main objective of the program is the learning of regression meditation oriented towards a respectful use of natural healing powers. The development of communication with the unconscious side of the person through regression meditation is the means to awaken the energies that support the client’s self-healing process.
This training is part of the professional training of the Digital Resonance Practitioner Diploma (Intuitive Healing) but is open to Reiki 2 practitioners, life coaches, psychologists and certain other specialists in the human-related fields.
Tuition: 99 $
Interview and registration: 514-699-2378 or